Around Town 2: Albany Farmer's Market


Angel Hammon waits for a local customer to purchase items from the Cameron Ridge Heritage Farmstead booth at the Albany Farmer's Market on Saturday, October 10. Camron Ridge, owned by Liz and Chad Shinn, is at this farmer's market every Saturday from 9am to 1 pm, offering a wide range of locally grown produce. 

Elliana Waterstone getting the Wild Child Farm vegetable booth ready for local customers at the Albany Farmer's Market on Saturday, October 10. The Wild Child Farm provides certified organic seeds and produce from Junction City, Oregon.

The Albany Farmer's Market located downtown Albany, Oregon, on SW 4th Ave and SW Ellsworth St is open every Saturday from 9am to 1pm. Vendors come to provide vegetables, fruits, flowers, honey, meats, treats, and many others from local farms and businesses. Families and pets of all kinds are welcome.


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